Jobssonnet Marketing Toolkit
Resources to promote Jobssonnet and engage more students

Introduce Jobssonnet
Intro presentations
Use this slide deck to provide information to students and campus partners about how (and why) to use Handshake
Watch and share these videos to learn more about this generation of learners and what they are looking for as they enter the world of work.
Social Media
Social Media Assets
Use these customizable and ready-to-post social media assets to engage students on Instagram
Handshake Social Media Accounts
Follow Handshake for social media inspiration and save time by reposting Handshake content
Social Media Playbook
Use this guide for tips to optimize your social media posts across every major platform
Marketing Tips
Get Handshake Swag
Deck the halls (and your students) with Handshake swag!
Handshake Branding
Co-branding logos? DIY-ing your own Handshake swag? Here are some guidelines to help you get started
“Handshake’s toolkit has such eye-catching and informative materials. It saves our career services team so much time!”
Joey Wohlhieter
Employer Assistant
Butler University