Hire your future workforce from the largest and most active network of early talent in the US
With institution-validated student profiles, you can rely on accurate information as you source, engage, and hire qualified talent from 1,400+ schools.
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Want a predictable pipeline of quality applicants to fill empty seats more quickly?
BrandingBuild your employer talent brand. |
Core brandingLeverage the Company Profile page to introduce candidates to your brand by including your logo, banner image, company description, and social media links. |
Premium brandingAll Company Profile features that are included in Core, plus advanced capabilities such as featured jobs, Employee Perspectives, photos and videos to showcase your company culture, and student tips on how to ace your interview. |
EventsMultiple event workflows allow you to curate your event experience and engage live with candidates both virtually and in-person. |
Core Events + Fairs• Create events at ONE school in virtual, on-campus, off-campus, and hybrid formats, register/attend virtual or in-person school fairs and view a list of employers who plan to attend the fair. • Manage event + fair RSVPs by adding/removing labels to student RSVPs, downloading CSV of RSVPs and public resumes, and messaging students who RSVP'd. • Sort and manage events + fairs by applicable filters, including location and type (virtual, in-person). • View check-ins, message students who've checked in, and add/remove labels to/from student profiles during check-ins for events + fairs. • Manage virtual and on-campus event + fair interview schedules and request virtual and on-campus interview days from schools. • Use embedded Handshake Video for virtual fair sessions or use external video for virtual events and virtual fair sessions. |
Premium Events + FairsAll Core functionalities, plus • Create events at MULTIPLE schools in virtual, on-campus, off-campus, and hybrid formats. • Invite and accept RSVPs from non-Handshake candidates and filter candidates by check-ins vs. RSVPs for events + fairs. • Check in students to an in-person or virtual event or fair via a configurable check-in kiosk (QR code) and check-in candidates without Handshake accounts for events and fairs. • Use embedded Handshake Video for virtual events. |
MessagingA multi-channel, integrated approach to connect candidates with recruiting and business stakeholders via events and fairs. |
1:1 messagingMessage students 1:1 to promote jobs, events, fairs, and leverage one-click pre-templated 'invite to apply' messages with added job preferences for personalization. Additionally, message candidates 1:1 directly within Talent List. |
Bulk messaging for CoreBulk message students from Job Matches, to engage with job applicants, or communicate with those who have RSVP'd to events/career fairs. |
Bulk messaging for PremiumBulk message students via Job Matches and Talent List to promote jobs, events, and fairs, and introduce teammates. Additionally, leverage pre-templated 'invite to apply' messages with added job preferences for personalization. |
Scaled CampaignsLeverage campaigns, which include automated relevance targeting to reach the most impactful audience, to schedule messages ahead of time and automate a follow-up message to students based on actions taken from the original message. |
Platform and recruiting data strategy & ROIUnique insights, robust data, unrivaled success, and support programs built to inform your early talent strategy and make you successful. |
AdvocatesAttract and convert qualified candidates by connecting them to the people they want to speak with most. This premium role for non-recruiter teammates allows users to introduce Advocates via 1:1 messaging, campaigns, or by affiliating with an event. |
AnalyticsGain insight into applicants' influence, engagement, team performance, messaging analytics, and core activities with analytics. Additional events + fair reporting are available. |
ATSIntegrate your Greenhouse, Workday, or iCIMS application tracking system with Handshake. |
Customer SuccessPartner with our Customer Success Managers to derive value from the solution and hit your early talent recruitment goals through onboarding, monthly strategy sessions, quarterly product training, seasonal business reviews, and key recruitment cycle planning sessions. |
Expert AssistPartner with Handshake's team of experts to boost recruiting efficiency, onboarding, and productivity. The team takes actions on your behalf to increase team bandwidth, including building school lists, scheduling career fairs, conducting performance audits, creating and managing templates, and implementing overall Handshake best practices. |
Handshake InsightsHandshake Insights uses proprietary data across students, employers, and academic institutions to spotlight opportunity areas and help you effectively hire on Handshake. It includes four bi-annual reports to benchmark recruiting and DEI efforts against peers, improve event strategy, enhance campaign tactics, and understand relevant trends. |
Handshake Insights ProHandshake Insights Pro includes all Handshake Insights reports, plus the Strategic Advisory Report, your exclusive early talent action plan. |
Standard supportStandard Support provides Public Help Center access and Core Customer Support email to troubleshoot. |
Premium supportPremium Support and Tech Support provide Public Help Center access and email to troubleshoot and walk through non-technical and technical cases. |
School ManagementSchool network management functionalities that help define optimal school and outreach strategy. |
Core school network managementSearch for schools, request school connections/approvals to post jobs, host events, attend fairs, or interact with students, and see permissions/approval status at schools you're connected to. Manage schools with Core filters including location, ranking, size, and region, and add notes/labels. |
Premium school network managementAll Core school network search and management, plus additional school filters, including institution type and the ability to add schools to customized lists. |
School recommendations for CoreReceive recommended schools to connect with to find more qualified applicants based on job location and preferences. |
School recommendations for PremiumReceive recommended schools to connect with to find more qualified applicants based on student interest via School Explorer, stemming from location preferences, are part of DEI-focused organizations, MSI attendance, specialized skills, and more. |
SourcingHave a predictable pipeline of applicants, improve the quality of your applicants, and fill empty seats quicker. |
JobsPost jobs across your school network, manage job postings with the ability to search, sort, and download applicant packages, view and manage job applicants, and offer candidates the option to message you within your job posting on Handshake. |
Candidate matchesAutomatically see candidates that match job detail requirements, including top 4 matches. |
Candidate identification via Talent List for CoreEfficiently find qualified candidates via Handshake's Talent List by viewing student profiles to add context directly within your search, filter candidates via Talent List by the school, school year, major and major group, graduation date, GPA, and skills, and apply labels across one or more candidates to improve sourcing. |
Candidate identification via Talent List for PremiumEfficiently find qualified candidates via Handshake's Talent List with all the Core filter capabilities, plus filter by any candidate engagement with your company, unmessaged candidates, segments, keywords, location interests, labels, candidates in minority-serving organizations, work experience, or candidates who've checked into events or fairs. |
SegmentsCreate Segments for targeted message outreach with 15+ filters including community and technical colleges, skills and experience, interests, location, and more. |
BrandingBuild your employer talent brand. |
Core brandingLeverage the Company Profile page to introduce candidates to your brand by including your logo, banner image, company description, and social media links. |
Premium brandingAll Company Profile features that are included in Core, plus advanced capabilities such as featured jobs, Employee Perspectives, photos and videos to showcase your company culture, and student tips on how to ace your interview. |
EventsMultiple event workflows allow you to curate your event experience and engage live with candidates both virtually and in-person. |
Core Events + Fairs• Create events at ONE school in virtual, on-campus, off-campus, and hybrid formats, register/attend virtual or in-person school fairs and view a list of employers who plan to attend the fair. • Manage event + fair RSVPs by adding/removing labels to student RSVPs, downloading CSV of RSVPs and public resumes, and messaging students who RSVP'd. • Sort and manage events + fairs by applicable filters, including location and type (virtual, in-person). • View check-ins, message students who've checked in, and add/remove labels to/from student profiles during check-ins for events + fairs. • Manage virtual and on-campus event + fair interview schedules and request virtual and on-campus interview days from schools. • Use embedded Handshake Video for virtual fair sessions or use external video for virtual events and virtual fair sessions. |
Premium Events + FairsAll Core functionalities, plus • Create events at MULTIPLE schools in virtual, on-campus, off-campus, and hybrid formats. • Invite and accept RSVPs from non-Handshake candidates and filter candidates by check-ins vs. RSVPs for events + fairs. • Check in students to an in-person or virtual event or fair via a configurable check-in kiosk (QR code) and check-in candidates without Handshake accounts for events and fairs. • Use embedded Handshake Video for virtual events. |
MessagingA multi-channel, integrated approach to connect candidates with recruiting and business stakeholders via events and fairs. |
1:1 messagingMessage students 1:1 to promote jobs, events, fairs, and leverage one-click pre-templated 'invite to apply' messages with added job preferences for personalization. Additionally, message candidates 1:1 directly within Talent List. |
Bulk messaging for CoreBulk message students from Job Matches, to engage with job applicants, or communicate with those who have RSVP'd to events/career fairs. |
Bulk messaging for PremiumBulk message students via Job Matches and Talent List to promote jobs, events, and fairs, and introduce teammates. Additionally, leverage pre-templated 'invite to apply' messages with added job preferences for personalization. |
Scaled CampaignsLeverage campaigns, which include automated relevance targeting to reach the most impactful audience, to schedule messages ahead of time and automate a follow-up message to students based on actions taken from the original message. |
Platform and recruiting data strategy & ROIUnique insights, robust data, unrivaled success, and support programs built to inform your early talent strategy and make you successful. |
AdvocatesAttract and convert qualified candidates by connecting them to the people they want to speak with most. This premium role for non-recruiter teammates allows users to introduce Advocates via 1:1 messaging, campaigns, or by affiliating with an event. |
AnalyticsGain insight into applicants' influence, engagement, team performance, messaging analytics, and core activities with analytics. Additional events + fair reporting are available. |
ATSIntegrate your Greenhouse, Workday, or iCIMS application tracking system with Handshake. |
Customer SuccessPartner with our Customer Success Managers to derive value from the solution and hit your early talent recruitment goals through onboarding, monthly strategy sessions, quarterly product training, seasonal business reviews, and key recruitment cycle planning sessions. |
Expert AssistPartner with Handshake's team of experts to boost recruiting efficiency, onboarding, and productivity. The team takes actions on your behalf to increase team bandwidth, including building school lists, scheduling career fairs, conducting performance audits, creating and managing templates, and implementing overall Handshake best practices. |
Handshake InsightsHandshake Insights uses proprietary data across students, employers, and academic institutions to spotlight opportunity areas and help you effectively hire on Handshake. It includes four bi-annual reports to benchmark recruiting and DEI efforts against peers, improve event strategy, enhance campaign tactics, and understand relevant trends. |
Handshake Insights ProHandshake Insights Pro includes all Handshake Insights reports, plus the Strategic Advisory Report, your exclusive early talent action plan. |
Standard supportStandard Support provides Public Help Center access and Core Customer Support email to troubleshoot. |
Premium supportPremium Support and Tech Support provide Public Help Center access and email to troubleshoot and walk through non-technical and technical cases. |
School ManagementSchool network management functionalities that help define optimal school and outreach strategy. |
Core school network managementSearch for schools, request school connections/approvals to post jobs, host events, attend fairs, or interact with students, and see permissions/approval status at schools you're connected to. Manage schools with Core filters including location, ranking, size, and region, and add notes/labels. |
Premium school network managementAll Core school network search and management, plus additional school filters, including institution type and the ability to add schools to customized lists. |
School recommendations for CoreReceive recommended schools to connect with to find more qualified applicants based on job location and preferences. |
School recommendations for PremiumReceive recommended schools to connect with to find more qualified applicants based on student interest via School Explorer, stemming from location preferences, are part of DEI-focused organizations, MSI attendance, specialized skills, and more. |
SourcingHave a predictable pipeline of applicants, improve the quality of your applicants, and fill empty seats quicker. |
JobsPost jobs across your school network, manage job postings with the ability to search, sort, and download applicant packages, view and manage job applicants, and offer candidates the option to message you within your job posting on Handshake. |
Candidate matchesAutomatically see candidates that match job detail requirements, including top 4 matches. |
Candidate identification via Talent List for CoreEfficiently find qualified candidates via Handshake's Talent List by viewing student profiles to add context directly within your search, filter candidates via Talent List by the school, school year, major and major group, graduation date, GPA, and skills, and apply labels across one or more candidates to improve sourcing. |
Candidate identification via Talent List for PremiumEfficiently find qualified candidates via Handshake's Talent List with all the Core filter capabilities, plus filter by any candidate engagement with your company, unmessaged candidates, segments, keywords, location interests, labels, candidates in minority-serving organizations, work experience, or candidates who've checked into events or fairs. |
SegmentsCreate Segments for targeted message outreach with 15+ filters including community and technical colleges, skills and experience, interests, location, and more. |
Used by the entire Fortune 100